Thursday, 30 July 2009

20:10 20/10 2010 - what about 19/10/1910?

Did you know that 1st Weybridge Guide unit was formed, according to its certificate, on 19th October 1910? There is a belief that it was the 3rd unit formed in the UK. Who were the first and second, I wonder? So 2010 is also the Centenary of Guiding in Surrey (West).

9am BBC Radio Surrey Friday 31st July

If you read this in time, try to listen at 9 am to BBC Radio Surrey to hear one of our Channel Swimmers, Sarah Glenister, talking about the swim. Fantastic PR for us!

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Back from holiday with a cold

I had a good week of quality time with Chris and Mark at Center Parcs last week - I watched more snooker than ever before.....or want to again. I arrived back to find several problems solved in my absence including complaints from Sheephatch Lane neighbours, appointment of a new County Administrator and some oher bits and bobs. Not that it means I have nothing left to do but after this week I have two weeks unpaid leave offered by my employer as a cost-saving measure - but very welcome when you have children. I have plenty of things to do before another week's holiday.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Nearly time for holiday

Today was my last day at work before holiday - but I still have work today to finish and will do this between interviews tomorrow. Tomorrow we are interviewing for Julie's replacement and then I am going to Sussex central's Annual Review. On Saturday evening we are going to a Russell Watson concert at Kenwood. I think I may go shopping on Sunday as my husband it at Lords then it is holiday for a week. I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Catch Up

It has been a few days since I wrote but I haven't been doing nothing. Yesterday we picked cherries in Kent/Sussex as we rent a tree there (£30 a year from Then we went to Bodiam Castle. Today I spent all day stoning and packing cherries.

Guiding things still ongoing:
  • Accounts - Denise is back from holiday and had some questions
  • Thanks yous - lots of last meetings for Advisers coming to the end of their appointments plus the Streamline team so we have been buying a lot of flowers
  • Guide Adviser appointments - not quite there yet as still need to get people together
  • Brownie Adviser - still sorting out dates to meet
  • Julie's replacement - interviews later this week but need to sort out contracts, package etc
  • Toilet block - lots of decisions about how environementally friendly we should be.
  • Retirement letters - drafting them and finding out who we need to send one to. Also should we have a standard County retirement gift?
  • Awards Committee - deciding who is in it and whether we should replace the Surrey Lion.
  • HW funding - have had offer of help locally
  • HW neighbours - wrote to apologise and offer to take them around the site.

I may have missed something....then there is my 50th birthday party to organise.

And my Scenic has broken down - it may only be a split hose in the cooling system but this could be a sign it is time to replace the 11 year old usually very reliable car with something similar like another Scenic. When I was discussing cars with Muriel she said stowage was what as important - and I quite agree.

Next week I am away on business (Guernsey but working) and then on holiday for a week.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Channel swimmers

Today I visited Heron Lake at 8.30am which is when our channel swimmers get OUT having swum round it. I am not a swimmer so I doubt I could even try to swim across the lake without stopping but these ladies talk confidently about completing the crossing next Summer - and I think they will. The five swimming today are pictured with me.