SWIFT is the possible acronym for the VIP Hit Squad we got together last night. Recognising that the Centenary year gives us excellent opportunities at County, Division and District level to promote Guiding to people with influence, we felt that we needed to be able to do it to the best of our ability. So last night Julia, our Centenary Champion helped by Lesley, former Lady Mayor of Guildford so has been a VIP; Cindy, my predecessor as CC; Rachel and Natalie, Chairs of M&I, met a group of young and enthusiastic girls and Leaders to talk about what was required. We got them to think about how to make people welcome, what they could say, how they should act and so on.
Their first outing is the County Service on the 22nd and we are confident this aspect will now be well looked after.
There are a couple of carrots for them too;
- the Lord Lieutenant has asked us to provide her with a Cadet next year. This is a real honour as it means accompanying her on visits in Surrey including meeting royalty (she is their representative). Open to 15-18 year olds, we will be looking for candidates in the next few weeks.
- CHQ have offered Counties the opportunity for five people to be trained as Media Spokespeople. The SWIFTs would be ideal for this.
If you read this and you know a 15-18 year old who would be suitable as the LL Cadet helping Mrs Goad with her bag, make polite conversation etc then please let me know. Details will be on the Weekly News.