Friday, 22 October 2010

Off to camp

On the 19th October I went to the 1st Weybridge Guide unit's 100th birthday party and this weekend we are off as a District to camp and celebrate 100 years of Guiding. I think 1st Weybridge is the oldest existing unit in Surrey West and is still thriving in a District where Guide units are also doing well.
The camp will also involve Brownies and Rainbows visiting. Let's hope for fine weather and no rain or frost. However, even poor weather won't spoilt it for me because I really need a break from clients and phone calls. Fortunately mobile reception in Herons Wey can be very patchy....
See you in November!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Tonight I joined Woking East and Woking West for their Vision event closing the Centenary Year. I would like to thank them very much for their hospitality as I did rather invite myself. I would also like to congratulate them for the successful link up with the Community Channel. I hope everyone else had the same success and, if you didn't, that you had a great time anyway. It is lovely to remeber that we are all part of a massive worldwide family who can change the world if we want to.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Census all in - at last

Well it took bit of time but we have finally achieved 100% payment of census. What is more it appears that in the middle of July the count of Surrey West members exceeded 9,500 which is rather more than I thought. The downside of that is that Margaret has 9563 badges in the office that need to be got out to Divisions and Districts by the 20th. No mean feat I think you will agree.

Monday, 4 October 2010

In case you were wondering.....

BTW - Stars and Sparkle, our planned Gala Dinner, has been postponed as we felt everyone needed a break after the exertions of the Centenary Year. We will let you know when the new date has been confirmed.