Monday, 29 November 2010

Felting and the Trefoil Guild Quiz

I spent a lovely Saturday learning how to make felt with my mother and sister. It was quite therapeutic. It was held in the Sunbury Millennium Embroidery Centre. If you haven't seen the Embroidery then it is worth a special trip. It was created for the Centenary and tells you about Sunbury and its histrory. It is housed in a beautiful walled garden. You will be amazed by the skill, the artistry and the sheer beauty of the embroidery and the walled garden looks gorgeous whatever the time of year. The Centre also has an excellent cafe!
On Thursday we went to the Trefoil Guild Quiz for an evening of competition and fun. My mother, daughter and I attached ourselves to Emberbrook for the evening; thanks to Margaret, Bridget and Valerie for putting up with us. Fortunately we won due to some quite amazing knowledge about old films and other things.
I would also like to wish Margaret Nelson good luck as she goes into hospital for a knee replacement tomorrow. A week with my feet up sounds like luxury but I know Margaret is an active body and may not like sitting still for too long.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Lord Mayor's Show and Remembrance Sunday

It has been a busy Guiding weekend for many people. A team of 9 from Thameside Division shadowed our friends from Surrey East manning the feeding station for the Lord Mayor's Show on Saturday. Next year it is our turn to front it. It is a massive effort and involves feeding those involved with the Parade - rumour has it 6500 packed lunches. So next year we will be looking for 35 people to help.
Today many of us will have been taking part in Remembrance ceremonies whether laying wreathes, joining parades or attending church services. It is good for the girls to remember that round the world many young women and men are dying for others. I think it my even mean more to them than it did to me when I was a child and, looking back, there was a sort of silence about war.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Life after a few days of good sleep

As the month has worn on my stress levels have risen. I have a lot of work, losing my laptop was stressful (I got it back with a broken screen), I have had several Guiding meetings this week with late finishes, my husband has been away again......but I eventually decided enough was enough. I haven't slept well and it was a vicious circle (less sleep = more stress = less sleep). So I decided to focus on getting a good night's sleep. I am not a good sleeper at the best of times so this is never easy. I went to bed early having had a glass of milk. I tried to relax before I went and I made myself as comfortable as possible. As my husband was away there was no-one to disturb me. Result - a reasonable night's sleep. The next night was better and last night you would have struggled to wake me. I feel so much better. I have more energy and next week at work looks manageable even though it is still packed.

PS - If you want to go to the Railway Children then I have 14 names but I need to confirm the booking and pay next Friday so let me know asap so I get enough tickets.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Lost laptop

Yesterday I had a meeting in Liverpool from 8am until 4pm. When I left I forgot to pack my laptop. I thought my bag was a bit light but I had handed out a lot of paper so that was what the difference was, or so I thought. On the train back I decided to do a little work - that is when I found out. Fortunately the laptop was located and is going to be couriered back to me tomorrow morning. It means a day off at last! I will catch up tomorrow.
UPDATE; - the Courier failed to collect the laptop as the lady who had it wasn't there. If they pick it up on Monday I should get it on Tuesday morning but I will have to start having things sent to my hotmail address as I can't afford to lose anymore days of work. There are times when you wonder if it is worth it!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Back to proper Guiding

I have at last cleared out my car of almost all camp things. The tent is hanging in the kitchen and everything else has been put away having been washed.
Camp was very cold (at least -3 the first morning I would estimate) but bright and sunny which was lovely - until Tuesday when it rained. Rain is miserable - no escape and gloomy. It rained on Tuesday night and the wind accelerated down Herons Wey and hit my tent and the walls were close to horizontal. It also drove rain in so I was wet. At least it was warm so I didn't need the blankets. Miraculously the rain cleared to give us a dry strike - that is why my tent has been in the boot for nearly a week and I haven't hurried to get it out.
Don' think it was a miserable camp, though, lots of camaraderie and activities. The team whooranised it did a brilliant job. Thanks, everyone.