Thursday, 22 December 2011

Emotional swings

Monday - my dearly loved Scenic, mine since its birth 14 years ago, died. I know it is/was just a car but it was MY car.

Tuesday - (1) bought a new car. Looked for one which made you go "Woo-hoo" (as described by fellow car-hunter Sarah, my daughter) and found a bright red Aygo. Delivery 23rd December
(2) contacted by Elmbridge Museum to say they were sorting out their collections and some of the finds from the Oatlands Palace excavations at Weybridge Guide Hall may be surplus to requirements. They were looking at the paperwork but they were partly owned by the Guides .... and did we want them reburied? I suggested we might like them back....possibly to sell to raise funds to rebuild the Hall.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Time for a pause?

I thought I was busy earlier this month but it has been even busier since then.....and it was the same last year until I lost my work laptop and a pause was forced on me. Nothing so drastic this time but I need a pause get away from the work pressures and, dare I say it, Guiding. Yes, perhaps it is time for a break - or a very clear break over Christmas and the New Year for everyone. So here is my resolution - I will stop all but essential/urgent Guiding on December 18th after the Carol Service at Charterhouse. I will start again on January 6th. Why don't you do the same?
In the meantime - Happy Christmas until we speak again