Monday, 6 October 2008

A fixation with meetings?

There have been comments about my fixation, and not always tactful insights, about meetings. There is a very simple reason for this - our energy should be focussed on the girls and the provision of fun activities for them. This needs preparation and, yes, meetings. The meetings need to be focussed on the matter at hand and should also recognise that many of the attendees come after a long day at work.
I only chair a couple of meetings and so these are the only ones I can influence. It is my responsibility that the attendees are happy with what I am doing and that it delivers what is promised. That is all I want to do and all I can do. And the only way I can find out whether I am doing it right is to ask. The only people who can answer are those who are part of it. It is a democracy not a dictatorship - and has been that way for some time.
Guiding of course delivers a great deal more than just things for the girls; it also delivers a sense of achievement, friendship and fun for all of the adults involved. It is a wonderful organisation but, like most organisations, is sometimes worth reviewing. A new "manager" is often the starting point to review things and that is what is happening here. Some people will feel uncomfortable with it, others will welcome it. What we are doing may be reviewed but found to be absolutely fit for purpose. That is very satisfactory when it happens but, equally, times move on and other approaches should be examined.
We are all individuals and just as I am different from my predecessor, and my successor will be different from me, we all see things differently and can bring our strengths to improve things. The team approach and consultation means my weaknesses will be compensated for by others strengths. The real power of a manager is in building a team who feels empowered enough to contribute to the debate even if it means telling me I should do things differently (and they do!). And, as I don't know everything about everything, I am sure that will happen frequently. It all leads to a stronger organisation.
So here is to a spiritually richer organisation where the distractions are kept to a minimum and which operates smoothly to produce the best service we possibly can to our Members. If you know how this can come true then let me know.

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