Thursday, 27 November 2008

A quiet week

It has been a quiet Guiding week this week after the excitement last week of presenting to Surrey County Council on our application of funding. We have yet to have confirmation of the outcome but we were satisfied with the indications given.

This week it has been paperwork mainly. Also I had another Supper where Guiders shared their thoughts with me. So far 24 have come to dinner and let me have their thoughts in return for food (cooked by me so the culinary experience was not gourmet!) and good company (provided by everyone else). Next week is the last one and I think they have been useful.

I have also been pondering about the desirability of having "Coffee and a chat" sessions. These would be completely informal but let anyone who is feeling a bit stressed or lonely join me for coffee somewhere in County. I may give that a go from the new year as my work seems to involve quite a bit of travel at the moment and it may be difficult to find time before Christmas.

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