Thursday, 5 March 2009

Herons Wey Borehole

There are times when I think the borehole will never be dug - and perhaps I shouldn't count my chickens now. However, in spite of a major change in plans, it looks likely to be up and running before the camping season.

A change of plans? Yes, I had a couple of concerns:
1. the borehole would be at the far end of the site and Weyside and Garners Field would both be a long way away.
2. there seemed to be little support for the single toilet block we had planned - not one of the 30 responses so far from campers supported it. Therefore, the borehole didn't have to be near the meadow at all.
Moving it up next to the powerhouse, where it will now be, seemed much more sensible as it means the lower sites can be served from the mains while the top sites, Weyside and Garners Field are served by the borehold and will therefore have better supply.
Not only that but there is room in the power house for the machinery and tank so we don't need to spend the £1500 or so to build a separate shed.
And so there won't be an eyesore.
The only question now is where to separate the mains water system from the borehole system as the waters can not mix.

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