Friday, 12 June 2009

Swings and roundabouts

People come and people go! As I am in the middle of making appointments (Chair of trefoil, Guide Adviser, Brownie Adviser...) I also find myself about to re-recruit for County Administrator. Sadly, Julie has decided to move to east Anglia with her family. It seems houses are much cheaper than in Surrey and, with her husband self-employed, they can move more easily than other people. However, that means we will be looking for a replacement. So I will be looking for someone who primarily has a big smile (or sounds like they have), are very organised, don't mind working on their own, must be able to cope with lots of people asking them to do things, who doesn't mind working part-time and term-time but is prepared to spare some evenings for County Exec meetings.....the job ad will be in the Weekly News but I know people read this and I want to make sure anyone who might be interested hears about it. If you are interested then contact me on

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