Friday, 26 March 2010

Still busy - looking forward to Easter

Life continues at a hectic rate for me with work still very manic. Today I decided to take a day off - well not really a day off as I am only paid for 4 days a week and this is the 5th day. I have sat down and done all (well nearly all) those things that I have been meaning to do for ages like finding someone to cut the hedges, booking a dentist appointment - and so on. For me the simple ticking off of things on a list can be really motivating because I feel I have achieved something. I am also making bread and will make biscuits this afternoon. Then there is ironing to do.

Tomorrow, or today if I feel like it, I am going to set up a questionnaire for Commissioners on Survey Monkey which will help us understanding what soft skills Commissioners need.

Oh - and I have just booked a carpet cleaner to come. The new kitchen has created quite a lot of dust and the carpets need a bit of brightening up.

Lastly, I am going to phone my father who is in Tasmania and had a mild stroke some weeks ago. He seems to have recovered well but his wife tells us he is still very ill. It is very difficult to judge from a distance. He is back in a few weeks so I will be able to make a first hand assessment.

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