Saturday, 18 September 2010

Busy again

I had intended to write something every week but time has rushed on with the start of the Guiding year as well being extremely busy at work - 6 days a week instead of the 4 I am paid for.
Anyway here are some of the things I have done this month:
  1. Been at the opening of Guild Wood at Herons Wey
  2. Climbed the playframe at Weyside together with several ladies in their 60s who are still yong enough to want to try.
  3. Run a Japanese evening at Guides
  4. Bought a new Guiding sweatshirt
  5. Discussed with the Exec how to focus on volunteers next year. One Division suggested calling it "Year of the Leader"
  6. Taken daughter to Manchester University
  7. Picked sloes for sloe gin (for my husband you understand!)

More about Year of the Leader later.....

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