Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Student protests

As I was walking to work today across Parliament Square the barricades were out again and police were being transported in - although I don't know if a student protest is expected today, it looked like there was something in the wind.
Looking back on the student protests in the past few weeks I believe that the right to protest is a sign of a democratic and civilised society. However, that does not include the right to violent protest which is why the protests last week were so disheartening. In the second protest there were pictures of a police van being attacked but a group of teenage girls took up position around the van to stop the violence. What courage that must have taken! Would you have stood up to a teenage boy (probably), angry and causing criminal damage? Yet these girls - who looked like they were school girls rather than university students - did it. What a great sign of good morals.
How sad that the criminal damage and defacing of national symbols last week got so much publicity. How much did it damage their cause?
The stronger message was the defence of Right NOT the attack on authority.

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