Thursday, 17 March 2011

Crippling rent rises for units meeting in Surrey Schools?

The Scout Association reports that scout units meeting in schools are being asked to raise their rents significantly. One of the units quoted is in Surrey where they are being asked for thousands of pounds a year.
Is this hitting us? - I don't know but why would we be treated differently?
Can we do anything about it? - find other meeting places, perhaps? What about sharing a Scout Hall or looking for a Church/Village Hall - or the hall of a private school who might be able to be generous under their requirement to have a community focus?
It will be hard in some areas where provision is very limited. We have had the benefit of letting subsidies but these have become increasingly constrained and the amounts very limited. It looks like these will disappear altogether from 2012.
How about having a big vision? What about buying one of the Council Youth Centres that they are trying to offload?

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