Monday, 4 April 2011

Pax Lodge weekend

With the aim of making Surrey West the best Guiding county in the UK (if we aren't already), Commissioners and Advisers spent the weekend at Pax Lodge thinking through what we need to focus on in the next couple of years. We were very ably supported by three region trainers; Pat Tiley, Debbie Baxter and Sally Christmas. As a result we have a tremendous range of ideas about what we could be doing better. We also have some grand ideas for events for all sections in the next few years one of which really excited everyone! Now we need to make sure we all deliver what we have been asking for. This will be different for every Division whether it is about opening more Rainbow units, building better teams, finding greater support, building/reviewing websites or more. County also has a huge part to play whether in providing resources, training materials or opportunities. As the Centenary becomes a more distant memory we are all taking up new challenges. I feel a new energy - let's hope everyone does.

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