Monday, 26 September 2011

Votes please!

Please circulate this as far and as wide as you can.....

We are applying for funding from NatWest Community Force to pay for PV panels for the new building at Herons Wey. For details please look at

The projects with the most votes will get the funding so we need your help. To vote please follow this link and then press the button "Vote For Us" - that is all there is to do!

Please forward to your Leaders, parents of the girls, your friends, families, work colleagues.........You have until October 23rd to vote. Thanks (when I last looked we had 1091 vots already and it only opened at lunchtime today....Brilliant but we need more.


Georgina said...

Tuesday morning - total 12600 but I do know some people are having problems as the site keeps craskhing or maybe has too high volume to cope. Please persevere. You will also have to register to vote so you may need to try twice. Lastly, the search engine is poor so remember it is project 348 and you should be able to find it.

Georgina said...

OK - I admit I made a mistake - the thousands of votes are for all of the projects - we have 33 BUT that seems to be one of the top ones in our area so we need to carry on and get more. Please persevere with a website that seems to crash a lot and give us your votes

Georgina said...

We now have over 100 votes (2nd October) but we need if you haven't voted then now is the time. And if you have why not ask your friends and family to vote too.