Friday 5 December 2008

Another busy week

As we start the run up to Christmas, I remain very busy at work as well as making arrangements for family Christmas and, tonight, my Guide Christmas Sleepover. My car is full of Turkey, stuffing, (chocolate) plum pudding and so on.

It has been a very busy week for Guides with the last CC supper which was again thought-provoking and gave me a lot to ponder about. There was also a Herons Wey meeting where the review continues apace, and a meeting with Surrey East to pull together a recruitment training due for March. A great deal is going on, as you can see.

I have also had the pleasure of signing off two District Commissioners' induction packs and am looking forward to meeting some of the recent appointment-holders next week. Of course, we still have some important vacancies to fill including Chair of Programme and Chair of Adult Support. Both roles represent major groups of leaders in county and will play an important role in developing our long-term plans next year. I will be advertising those in the New Year both through the Weekly News but also to Queens Guides living in Surrey but not actively Guiding (at the moment). I am confident we will find two people who will take on these roles and be enthusiastic, creative and will take the county forward. Could it be you? Keep your eyes open for these ads.

Lastly, I would like to congratulate Cindy Barnes who will be the Region Chair of Campsites from the start of 2009. I am sure she will do a fantastic job although it will need a lot of travelling as the sites are scattered across the Region from Essex to Sussex.

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