Saturday 8 August 2009

Eco-friendly buildings

The first August post! Sorry but I have been ill - not swine flu but one of the bugs going round.

On Wednesday Julie Alexander and I visited a couple of eco-houses near Herons Wey to try to decide to what extent we could/should be eco-friendly when building the toilet block. It was very interesting.....At the moment it looks like generating our own power through solar panels makes sense (expensive but there are grants available and we can sell back to the grid) as does rainwater harvesting for flushing loos. Hot water on the other hand would not be worth it as it seems to be too efficient for our small needs! Julie is pursuing this with various surveyors. We need to understand about it as it will have an impact on the design of the toilet block mainly in how the roof is constructed (angle of roof, single or double slope, spacing between roof tresses etc).

I also visited the Cabin to see how it is to be refurbished if we get planning permission to hire it out for sleepovers. I am optimistic we will. Actually it really only needs a tidy up, some changes to the "hygiene" arrangements and some heating (wood burning stove would be lovely) and it would be a lovely space.

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