Thursday 5 January 2012

Just a youth club - but with a uniform?

I have been thinking about how Guiding is perceived and whether people are aware that we have a programme that is designed to encourage girls and young women to develop their potential and to take an active part in the community. All leaders should be aware of that too! But do we tell others? Probably not, which means there is a perception that Guiding is a "good thing" but no-one is sure why. So I would like this to change in Surrey West. My Annual report will focus on it and will use case studies of girls and women who have developed in Guiding and this has influenced and helped their career and educational choices. For example, Becky Smith has been our photographer at SWING and is now a professional photographer; there is a group of women who Surrey West supported to swim the Channel; one of our Guides sang to a packed crowd in Wembley at the Big Gig having won the Guiding Star competition. I am sure there are more - and I would like to hear about them.

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