Tuesday 17 January 2012

My Allotment

A week ago I took ownership of an allotment - or a half as those who know anything about these things would call it. I did have quite a long think about whether this would be a good idea given the state of my diary but I decided that, with help, it would be OK. So I called daughter 1's boyfriend to ask if he would help - and he said he would. We went and visited the site to plan what we needed to do - daughter 1 tagging along in a very cold and reluctant way. Then I asked daughter 2's boyfriend if he could provide us with raised beds - he works in a timber yard so there was method in my madness. Then I talked to my husband - who is not a keen gardener but will rake leaves or mow if forced. However, he seemed a little bit interested and even volunteered to come and get manure for the compost heap. We now have a small heap of this on site but compost bins need building when I get some pallets.
I have also ordered a shed but am waiting for permission from Walton Charities to put it up.
Actually I am quite excited about it - and even gave daughter 1's boyfriend permission to grow potatoes - but only earlies.

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